Lars Johan Danbolt – Chair of the Host Committee.
Professor, Center for Psychology of Religion, Innlandet Hospital Trust and MF Norwegian School of Theology.
Sigrid Helene Kjørven Haug; Ass. professor, Center for Psychology of Religion, Innlandet Hospital Trust and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Tor-Arne Isene; Ph.d.-student, Theologist, Center for Psychology of Religion, Innlandet Hospital Trust and VID Specialized University.
Kari Lillehaug; Research Consultant, Research Department, Innlandet Hospital Trust.
Ingeborg Hartz; Research Director, Research Department, Innlandet Hospital Trust.
Britt Haugen; Communications Manager, Innlandet Hospital Trust.
Knut Hestad; Professor, Research Department, Innlandet Hospital Trust and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Valerie DeMarinis; Professor, Center for Psychology of Religion, Innlandet Hospital Trust and Uppsala University.
Kari Johanne Kvigne; Professor, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Mette Løhren; Consultant, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Hans Stifoss-Hanssen; Professor, VID Specialized University. Center of Diakonia and Professional Practice.
Torgeir Sørensen; Ass. professor, Center for Psychology of Religion, Innlandet Hospital Trust and VID Specialized University.
Lars Lien; Professor, National Centre for Dual Diagnoses, Innlandet Hospital Trust and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Gry Stålsett; Professor, MF Norwegian School of Theology.